
To fetch the latest Spec version, you first need to get a local copy of the repository:

~ $ cd /tmp
tmp $ git clone

Then open your image and execute the following script:

| repo names currentVersions toLoad |

repo := MCFileTreeRepository new directory: '/tmp/spec' asFileReference.

currentVersions := MCWorkingCopy allManagers
    select: [ :e | (e ancestry ancestors) notEmpty ]
    thenCollect: [ :e | e ancestry ancestors first name ].
names := repo packageDescriptionsFromReadableFileNames.
toLoad := names select: [ :e || currentVersion | 
    currentVersion := e first , '-', e second , '.', e third asString.
    (currentVersions includes: currentVersion) not ].

toLoad do: [ :name || version |
    version := repo versionFromFileNamed: name first, '.package'.
    [ version load ]
        on: MCMergeOrLoadWarning
        do: [ :ex | [ ex load  ] on: MCNoChangesException do: [] ] ].

Your image contains now the latest stable version of Spec.